Friday, January 31, 2014

Twitter and film promotion

               Twitter is used these days for tons of different promotions. Actors, singers, athletes, and different public figures use their Twitter accounts to connect with their audience and fans. One thing I’ve noticed Twitter has been used for in a successful way would be the use of advertising for entertainment purposes, my favorite being for film or television.

               There’s tons of different ways to use Twitter for promotion or advertising. Brands and companies have someone on their Twitter account all day waiting for a clever tweet to come to mind to grab the spotlight. Until recently, I thought it was just a means of people expressing their feelings in a limited amount of space. This past summer my mind was changed when I saw a retweet regarding one of my favorite film franchises releasing their new trailer online. “EXCLUSIVE: Catching Fire trailer” is all I read before jumping up and down for joy as I waited for the link to take me to the exciting new trailer of a film I had been all too excited for. As I continued to read I realized they had released the trailer on Twitter instead of premiering it at an awards show like most films do.

photo courtesy of @hungergamesnet

               Above is a recent tweet from after the film had been released to promote a new trailer. I’ve come to notice that a lot of free publicity has come for film franchises and television shows via Twitter. And what better way to gain publicity other than for free?

               Another example of this is a fairly new web series called “The Walking Tedd” which I heard about through Twitter and Facebook. Word of mouth came in handy when my cousin was tweeting about this new show needing a certain amount of donations to get the ball rolling on production. Of course I retweeted to help the cause. Now, the web show is up and running with followers and fans.

Photo courtesy of @IamWalkingTedd

               Pretty neat. Not only was this show needing money just for production, they had no means of advertising to say the least. Yet here they are with fans telling their followers to check it out.

I also found this article recently about how to promote your film before you go to a film festival. It’s all about using social media and word of mouth through bloggers and Twitter. The use of this microblog has surely changed the face of promotion and advertising for a lot of industries. We can expect a lot out of this little app we carry in our phones in the next few years.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ethics in the media

   Ethics is something that is still very vague today. They aren’t exactly laws to restrict you from any action but yet most people in a culture or nation generally understand what is ethical or unethical. The question now is why is it needed in the media or business decision-making?

 I personally think a great example for this would be the most recent incident involving Justin Bieber and his DUI. If you are in public relations or journalism you probably know some of the laws regarding libel, slander and invasion of privacy. One type of invasion is exposing embarrassing facts of an individual that isn’t necessary to be made public. Now, why is it necessary that everyone in the nation know about Justin Bieber and his DUI? Here’s a link to CNN regarding his arrest, a video where Bieber is being picked apart by news anchors while waiving his police report around as if it were a golden ticket. CNN Bieber Arrest

               Is it something we all really need to be thinking about? Not only do I think that arrests and any incidents involving the law are a private matter for the individual, but I also think that when the media spreads this ‘news’ it is embarrassing. Everyone knows the media’s job is to tell the news and the truth but I also think they don’t see how unethical it is when they expose a public figure in such a way. Now all of the fans and ‘Beliebers’ might be pulling away from their support for the young pop star. Does he really deserve the embarrassment? Young girls now see their favorite idol/crush as a bad person because he broke the law.

               Since the news has come out regarding Bieber, more and more people have used his mugshot in a mocking way. The most popular memes on Twitter right now are using his mugshot and a Valentine’s quote as a Valentine card.

photo courtesy of

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Physical Therapy to start my Saturday

Can I start by saying I have the kindest and funniest physical therapist? Well he is. Today I picked up marbles with my toes when just last week I couldn't even wiggle them. I can't wait for my ankle and foot to be back to normal so I can go back to jogging! I must say I'm one happy girl, starting to have faith again in my foot and ankle. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

David O. Russell apology for slavery comment

David O. Russell apology for slavery comment

            The title sounds worse than it may be, but a week ago the news was out about David O. Russell making a comment about Jennifer Lawrence and her film schedule for The Hunger Games franchise. Not such a friendly comment to be making in the industry right now, in my opinion.  Russell recently worked with Lawrence on Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. In an interview last Friday with New York Daily News he made the comments of his opinion that Lawrence is hardworking but deserves a break from her Hunger Games schedule. With quotes such as “talk about 12 years a slave” and comparing the franchise to a “hamster wheel” that is “printing money”. Here is the link to the article from New York Daily News about the apology for his interview comments with them.  NY Daily News- Apology

Ouch. In the interview Russell also stated that he knew he was going to get in trouble for his comments. Can I just say “DUH” on that one? He is entitled to that opinion and it was a question which he answered honestly. These days hurting someone’s feelings or voicing your opinion is said to be applauded, but we all know it’s basically a sin to voice any opinion that might hurt someone or a group of people. (I don’t mean to go on a rant about how annoying the spineless trophy generation is to me, that’s all I’ll say).

            So, the next step after an interview like this gets out in the media making Russell look like a tyrant is when public relations really comes in handy. Someone help him! And they did. Whether he decided to apologize on his own or the idea was put in his head to publicly revoke the comments, he came out Tuesday to take back what was said. If I were representing him I would have done the same thing and suggested an apology. I feel it was a pretty great PR move to make the apology public before an entire week went by and it looked too obvious that it was suggested after it might have offended someone. I couldn’t find out if Russell has a personal Twitter account, but if he had one I’m sure a tweet would be out with another apology from him personally.

            For those of you who may not know, 12 Years A Slave is a recent film nominated for a Golden Globe that has accrued a lot of publicity and praise for its portrayal of slavery. Russell’s interview was the Friday before the Golden Globes.
Here's some more links where I got info on the interview and apology. Some great points made in the stories are the Twitter users' responses to Russell's comments.

Welcome to my blog!

Nothing excites me more than the entertainment industry; specifically with actors, movies, and novels worth making a buzz. A blog and several posts are required for two of my capstone classes as a public relations student at the University of North Texas. So, sometimes my posts will have to do with assignments regarding PR and other times I plan to use this for media and entertainment purposes on my own. I’m very excited to get started! Go follow me on Twitter @alixdsmith if you like. I usually will retweet interesting news in the entertainment world as well as plenty of random tweets I might find entertaining.

To start off, my name is Alexandra and I usually go by Alex. I  am a member of PanHellenic at my University and my favorite things are books and movies. I also really enjoy fitness and jogging. I’m currently going through physical therapy so I may or may not post about my excitement for recovery. Enjoy!
Twitter: @alixdsmith
Instagram: alixdsmith