Sunday, August 10, 2014

Graduation/Senior photos

Graduation/Senior Photos

with Madison Lyle Photography 

This is a random blog post coming from me, but I really have to give credit to one of my closest friends who recently took my graduation photos for me. Madison Lyle, who also happens to be my "little" in my sorority, dedicated her Thursday to following me around in the hot Texas sun and taking photos of me for graduation. I just wanted to post about them so I can share the wonderful photos she took with everyone.

I know blanket and peacock feather earring seems like I'm quite the hippie, but seeing as this was my last time I'd be taking pictures like this and creating my own themes and using my own props, I went with whatever I wanted! I intended for these to depict who I am. I'm Cherokee indian and figured my blanket helped bring that side out.

YAY I also got to bring out some of my favorite books. I thought this was a great prop to show my bookworm side.

 I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone if you are wanting a photographer any time soon. She is still a beginner, but its obvious that photography is something my dear friend is truly passionate about. It was extremely easy with her. She made me feel so comfortable and I didn't feel silly like you usually do when slapping on a smile as if you're not about to pass out from the heat! You could look her up on Facebook and see some more of her older photography in her albums.

I'd like to close saying that I am still in shock of the fact that I'm officially a college graduate. No more sorority and homework taking up all of my free time, so I'll actually be able to blog more often! I can't wait to work on my blogging skills as I step into my new chapter of life.

Until then!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

“What’s an Ethics class, and why do I need it for PR?”

            I’ve been hearing it all semester when I explain the courses I’ve been taking: “What’s that about?”, “you’re studying public relations why would you need to know ethics?”. Its been ringing in my ears throughout this entire spring semester. Honestly at first I didn’t know why I needed it and thought I learned enough of it in previous courses.

            As long as you’re a good person, you’re not gonna get in trouble, right? Well I have learned this semester the different ways you can be a good person and still find yourself in a lawsuit, or how something can completely pop up out of no where with your company or organization and you might be the only person to blame.

            The big idea of having a course of ethics for PR students is because ethics are different everywhere. People all over have different views of what is right or what is wrong because people from varying cultures and backgrounds have morals and values that may not be recognized by everyone else. The answer is really not black and white when it comes to ethics. Some actions may be seen as unethical but may not be illegal. Some are also seen as ethical yet half of us raised from a different background don’t understand why.

            So, I’ll tell you a few of the major things I’ve taken from my ethics course this semester that may just be enough to help you in a tough situation one day.

            First things first: libel. Don’t do it, ever! It’s no fun to be in a lawsuit and seen as a person that has caused drama in the corporate or media world. If you didn’t know, libel is basically calling someone something that is false or claiming a person did something that is also false. Libel is published and seen between more than just you and the person you published it about. The main thing you can cling to if you’re being sued for libel is if the stuff you published was the TRUTH. If not, then pray no one else saw it and that person can’t prove that you’ve harmed their life and reputation in some way. Side-note: slander is the speaking version of libel and you can be sued for both.

            Now, what’s the role of a public relations professional? The PRSA code of ethics is a ‘code’ that professionals in the public relations world should follow. A list of the values we strive to uphold in the corporate world to prevent the client we represent from looking sketchy and bad.

Here’s a shortened version of the PRSA code of ethics:

·       Protect and advance the free flow of accurate and honest information

·       Foster informed decision making through open communication

·       Protect confidential and private information

·       Promote healthy and fair competition among professionals

·       Avoid conflicts of interest

·       Work to strengthen the public’s trust in the profession

One decision-making model I learned in ethics was called LEAP:

L- Learn everything you can: data, laws, policies, what raises a red flag? Who are the stakeholders?

E-Evaluate your options: when all the stakeholders agree- move to the next step

A-Access you intuition: what feels right? What does your gut say? What would the headline in this news story be? What would your mother think?

P-Put your decision into action: time to make a move, evaluate and evolve from the situation.

Some other interesting points of ethics I have learned are the different theories of ethics such as: Utilitarianism, Communitarianism, Egoism and Consequentialism to name a few. They sound like a mouthful, but they are really just a way to put certain actions taken by previous people into perspective. These are more of a possibility of why they acted that way or they are just a name to place when describing the ethical decision a person makes.

            Consequentialism: “The moral rightness of an action is determined solely by its results, or consequences”. The actions made by the person weren’t moral or immoral because it all depends on the outcome. If it results in good consequences it was a good act, if bad consequences are the end result then it was a bad act.

            Utilitarianism: This falls under consequentialism and it describes the rightness or wrongness of an action by how much it affects the greater good to more people.

            Egoism: the act is morally correct if it promotes one’s long-term self-interest; this can be for an individual, a group, or organization.

            Communitarianism: this theory says actions should be intended to a sense of community and community values. In other words it tries to do what everyone would believe is best, or moral.


So those are just a few of the theories of ethics, which there are plenty of more detailed blogs over. But these are just some of the things I learned in my ethics class that I will be taking with me to my public relations profession, I hope now I can show everyone that my ethics class wasn’t just a course that I needed to graduate. I’m hoping all I learned here can keep my future clients from being in a major crisis with no-where to turn.


Friday, April 18, 2014

US Airways and the terrible, no-good, very bad tweet

This Monday morning was your typical start of the day for any public relations student I know. Nothing too out of the ordinary came about. Personally, I went to my first class, prepared for a presentation, presented that presentation, and then returned to my seat. As I sat in my Ethics class full of public relations and advertising students, I decided to check Twitter and see what was news for the day.

            It was nearly 3 o’clock when  I saw tweets regarding US Airways tweeting something inappropriate. Oh, big deal! Probably a hoax or rumor. I decided to check US Airways account to see if this was a true event and sure enough they have tweeted an apology regarding the tweet and have removed said tweet.

            My next instinct, like anyone else, is to go find this tweet. Someone in the Twitter world had to screenshot it for the rest of us. They couldn’t leave us all in the dark and hog the excitement to themselves! I search US Airways and there is already several articles regarding the tweet with this “inappropriate” photo. Most articles have it blurred and other Twitter users took the courtesy of just tweeting the graphic picture outright.

            Obviously I refuse to post this photo on my blog, go look it up if you haven’t seen it but you have been warned.

            My reasoning for making my blog this week about this tweet is to discuss public relations crises such as this one. I also feel the need to post some hilarious responses to the incident as well, just for fun.

            When I first saw the tweet and read the apology I wasn’t sure how I would react as someone representing this company after something like that. The first thing I would do is apologize immediately. People were obviously offended and upset, a lot of people were even more upset the tweet had been up for quite a while. So, first action to take is issue that apology.

Some people and organizations seem to think that waiting until the commotion has died down is the better response. I think that apologizing first and as soon as possible is a better response. This shows you are aware of the incident, it was a mistake and that actions are being taken to fix it.


Photo courtesy  of

This is what US Airways did. They apologized and updated the public on the current state of the incident. I thought they did right by issuing the apology and letting everyone know they were doing something about it by investigating.

Next, I would investigate and update the public on the situation as it unfolds. It turns out this tweet was an honest mistake by an employee who removed the post as soon as they realized what they had done. For your entertainment, I thought I would post these tweets I found later in the afternoon the day the tweet went out:


It has come out that the link to the graphic photo was in a link from a previous user who had tagged the airline in a tweet. The employee had reported the tweet and accidentally used that link when replying to another user about sending in comments or reviews to the airline.

That poor employee has probably had the worst week ever. But don’t worry, they are getting to keep their job for this honest mistake! A day ago, I read numerous articles about statements from US Airways regarding them keeping their employee and forgiving them of this accident. Here is a recent article I found about keeping the employee.

Don’t you wish most companies were like this? If they had fired the employee even though they admitted it was an honest accident I could see the public being enraged. I think this was just another smart move by US Airways during this crazy week for them.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Freedom of Speech and Strategic Communications

The First Amendment states that “no law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. Or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

         One of the most praised amendments to our constitution would be the first. It is usually shortened to “the right to free speech”. In other words, you have the right to express yourself and your beliefs without being punished.

         This freedom is one that those in the journalism and public relations field can be thankful for. When our job is to communicate the truth and reveal the facts to the public, freedom of speech is a handy thing to have on our side.

         People have been feuding the depths of this law recently with people being fired for their speech, students being punished in school for social media, and rules being set regarding people posting opinions in public forums. Many high schools have recently made it known that any students posting inappropriately on social media can be punished at school, even if the post has nothing to do with the school.

         Some workplaces have fired employees for posting on social media. Many times this happens it can end in lawsuits or disputes regarding the right to free speech being taken away. The law does not protect us from being punished by privately owned companies or organizations, only the law.

         In most cases regarding freedom of speech, the only real crime you can be punished for would be the use of libel. Libel is defined as “the false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person”. This act is something that would be seen as freedom of speech but protects us all from having lies spread that could harm us.

         If you sue a person for libel, you must prove it with 5 things. 1. Prove the statement was false. 2. Prove the statement was about you. 3. Show how the statement has harmed you or your reputation. 4. Prove the statement was made public. 5. Prove that this person intended to harm your reputation and that they intended malice. For most cases the most important proof to have is that the statement made was actually false.

         In most of the journalism courses I have taken I learned that libel is actually hard to win a case over, which can be good or bad. If a journalist has just made the mistake of publishing a rumor they believed to be true then they don’t deserve to be sued for libel. But if the publication had been published when they knew it was false they deserve what they have coming. It is good that these requirements are here to protect those in the field of journalism and public relations and is bad because this makes it harder when you are trying to win the lawsuit as a plaintiff.

         In my career I hope I never have to deal with such a scary thought as being sued, but it is something those of us who hope to be in the profession need to be aware of and know the details just in case. As far as being fired for something I post on Facebook or Twitter? I’m not sure how much I enjoy the idea. Obviously I am majoring in something that is all about how the public sees me and those I am representing, but it’s also a scary thought knowing I could lose my job for posting my opinion on certain matters.

         I believe that everyone does have a right under the first amendment and that right should be honored, yet we all also need to remember that while we use this right, it is also your employers right to take away your privilege to represent them while you use it. My advice is to think before you act when posting on social media, and try to keep yourself objective when it comes to controversial matters and your opinion.

Friday, April 4, 2014

@Youtern's 60 Day Challenge

After participating in the #InternPro tweetchat two weeks ago, I kept following the main account, @Youtern and noticed they are hosting a 60 day challenge for social media and networking. This challenge is a fun way to try and boost your career and promote yourself in social media and online networks with other people in the challenge.

         The challenge started a little over a week ago, with today being “Day 10: Join 10 LinkedIn Groups”. The Savvy Intern’s blog is where the updates are posted and tweeted from each day to invite people to participate in the challenge.

         For today’s “Join 10 LinkedIn groups” challenge, The Savvy Intern explains that LinkedIn groups are similar to tweetchats but much more intense and the conversation goes on continuously. The groups are similar to tweetchats since they both have categories you can choose from. Most of the categories on LinkedIn are pertaining to career goals, internships, or organizations.


                                              Photo courtesy of

         Some of the groups I’m currently in include: Job Openings, Job Leads and Job Connections; Journalism Jobs; The Maybourn School of Journalism; Movies and Marketing; Social Media News; and Niche Jobs.

         They recommend you try to join groups you can share conversation and common ideas with. Clubs, greek life organizations, industry associations, hobbies, any school networks or alumni associations are great examples of group categories you can search through to join.

         When you do join groups, make sure you engage in them and don’t just join them to make your profile seem advance. Introduce yourself in your groups, and communicate with others in the group. One way I stay updated with my groups is through the updates I receive in my email from each group. Once you join make sure and have interactions consistently with members of your group and join in on certain conversation topics.

         The rest of the 60 Day challenge days so far have been: Day 9: Schedule a Twitter Chat, Day 8: Set up three informational Interviews, Day 7: Social media sanity check, Day 6: Make Facebook your career BFF, Day 5: Reboot your Twitter bio, Day 4:LinkedIn headline upgrade, Day 3: Say “Cheese”, Day 2: Stalk new mentors, Day 1: reconnect with current relationships.

         My favorites among these challenges are Days 3, 4, and 5. These are all simple challenges that can help your online profiles and presence a lot.

         Say “Cheese” for Day 3 is great at explaining the importance of your online presence and representing yourself in good light. Anyone can see what you post so make sure you want your future boss approving of what you are posting.

         Day 4 and the LinkedIn headline upgrade is good for your LinkedIn profile and making your title on the sight more appealing. They encourage trying to impress anyone who might glance at your profile and make them want to interview you.

         And last, Day 5 is another great way to clean up your online profile and persona. A lot of Twitter bios today are simple and one worded, or sometimes are just a quote. This is all fun for younger people on social media but when someone is researching you online and find your Twitter (aka your microblog), they want to learn more about you. If your bio is a quote about ‘only living once’ and your tweets are constantly about your fast food runs, chances are your future employer won’t be very impressed.



                                     Here’s a screenshot of my own Twitter bio


         Even though it’s already day 10, I am trying to take on these challenges in order to boost my online persona. Since I graduate soon these challenges can’t hurt, and I hope if you’re involved in social media you can have the chance to try a few as well. Make sure to follow @Youtern on Twitter and check out the hashtag #60DayChallenge.






The Savvy Intern by Youtern. 27 March 2014. Web. 4 April 2014.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Common Mistakes on Social Media Posts

In the field of public relations, we are all pretty much aware of the ever-growing social media world. News breaks through social media, companies gain information regarding their customers’ feeling toward their products, and often times you can reach someone in a company through their Twitter account instead of waiting for your customer complaint to go through. 
Most companies and organizations have caught up with the trend and realized the benefits of social media and free promotion and marketing through the various mediums. When companies use social media to promote or even just keep their brand out there, they have to follow some general guidelines of social media use for PR and marketing. 
Most of these are common mistakes that anyone in control of a organization or big name’s social media account could easily make, which in turn can result in no one wanting to follow you anymore or just create a negative image of the company you are representing. 
Chances are we’ve all made them on our own account already, but keeping these in mind can help you to give the best promotional social media campaign. 

1. Not being aware of your surroundings- We’ve all tweeted at times when we probably shouldn’t have. You never want to be the person that tweeted at a time when the content you posted would be considered inappropriate or even offensive. One example of this is when #Aurora was trending on Twitter due to the theater shooting in Aurora. Soon after, Celeboutique wasn’t aware of the shooting and sent out this tweet. 

Yikes, imagine what people were thinking when they saw this and actually were aware of the tragedy that had just occurred. Whatever you do, be aware of your surroundings and what might be happening in the world to be sure you don’t upset more than just your followers. 

2. Posting at the wrong times- Aside from inappropriate timing when it comes to posting, it is also a common mistake to post when basically no one will see it or react to it.  You are trying to promote and make people see you, so knowing the best times to post on social media will really come in handy. Here’s a tip: mid-afternoon Friday is the best time to have a tweet be seen.

3.Overloading with worthless content- Quality should be over quantity. Don’t just post on social media because you think people need to see your name or account. Post material that will actually attract your followers and fans. 

4. Blasting similar content on various mediums- We all know there are dashboards out there for managing different types of social media at one time. But using these dashboards to post the exact same thing on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other media is a sure way to make your fans and followers see you as being lazy. You should know the different language and audience that each platform has. Be sure the content you’re posting to these are appropriate for the people that may see it. Twitter only gives you 140 characters so you should make them count. Don’t waste it by matching it to your LinkedIn audience. 

5. Automated messages- Don’t you hate when you see that organization post the same thing every morning at the same time? Seems a bit like spam, doesn’t it? No one is interested in a robot running the content on an account. It’s much more interesting and engaging when there is a real person running the account and interacting with it’s followers. Engaging in tweetchats and using hashtags is one way to get even more noticed and appreciated for not using the typical automated dashboard post. 

6. Failure to proofread- Sure, a few misspelled words or grammar mistakes happen. But when you are writing correctly to your audience, your message gets across to them much better! We don’t want the mistake of someone calling you out on your own mistake and all your followers and fan base see it. It just makes things awkward. Proofread, or you could walk into an awkward situation such as this one. 

Not gonna lie, this one made even me squirm. Both of these bands are my favorites and it broke my heart to watch a squabble happen over Twitter regarding the proper “roll call” phrase. Avoid this by proofreading and save us all the pain of witnessing it. 

7. Information overload- With the fast paced world we live in, no one wants to sit there and read the same information over and over again. Everyone has their lives to get back to, or has some other tweet or post to go read. Get to the point!

And with the last tip on the list being to hurry up and get the point across, that’s what I got for you guys tonight. Hope everyone can benefit from this little list of common errors made on social media! 

Friday, February 28, 2014

No Comment

No Comment

The fast track to looking guilty in PR

Having public relations (or even journalism) as a major, we all learn that the phrase “no comment” is seen as a big no-no when it comes to responding to a crisis or incident. In journalism we learn that anyone who says “no comment” usually means they have something to hide, or we learn that this response makes the public think you are guilty. But when is it okay to say this phrase or one similar to it in this profession? Sometimes there are ways around saying those words by basically saying nothing. There are other times when you can make it obvious that you really have nothing to say at the moment.

According to PR Fuel, these are some reasons this saying is taken the wrong way:

1.     People think this means you have been uninformed and caught off guard in the moment.

2.     You’re afraid to admit you made a mistake

3.     You are defensive of your wrongdoing

4.     You have no explanation or justification for the situation

5.     You feel as if you aren’t in the wrong- or are being stubborn

Some suggestions when in a predicament where you can’t report what you know I got from John Greer’s article on CBS Moneywatch. He suggests to:

1.     Not use the phrase itself.

2.     Find some different phrases that generally mean the same thing, but are more informative and don’t seem as suspicious. – phrases such as “I’m sorry but I am not able to respond at this time because of (insert vague excuse).”

3.     Stand your ground after you have answered.


Although it is your right to remain silent, a lot of people see it as a means of suspicion when there is news or a scandal breaking. Aside from saying the phrase, giving informative answers is a much better response. For example, you work for a company that sells all natural granola bars and have just been informed they are getting sued. You only know that much. What would you say? A good response at this point would to be honest and respond with something along the lines of “we have just been informed of the lawsuit and are still finding out all of the details as to the situation at hand.” Or “We are still in the process of retrieving all information regarding to the case and plan to make a statement as soon as we know as much as we can”. Responses like these can save you from looking like you are hiding something and can keep you from revealing information without having to say “no comment.”

            These responses also make your company look professional in the media because it shows that you are not ignoring the questions that are arising from the situation. Your company is taking initiative to find out everything to better inform the public, which is an admirable action.

Now, you have found out that your company is being accused of not providing the appropriate listed ingredients on your packaging for granola bars. Now that you know the situation, some answers you might be able to provide would be “we are currently handling these accusations by allowing an investigation to take place” or any answer similar to this. This shows that you now know the situation at hand and your company is cooperating with the lawsuit, showing you have nothing to hide and that you are taking action to clear up the mess.

Throughout the investigation your company should continually report and update regarding the findings. Continue to be honest and show action and responsibility to solving the problem. If you don’t report it the media is going to anyway, and you might as well beat them to it.

            In the end, it turns out the packaging was misleading and ingredients were wrong. At this time a statement should be made that shows you are taking responsibility and working to fix the problem. If it is a minor detail problem, share it with the public so that they can know it wasn’t a huge mislabels and that the granola bars produced are and always have been ‘natural’ ingredients for a healthy diet. Honesty is usually honored as well as taking responsibility for any mistakes, even if it is just minor details.

So, when your company is caught in the middle of a misunderstanding or scandal it is always ideal to steer clear of “no comment” in order to keep an honorable and respectable reputation throughout the process and within the eyes of the public.